We are a team of professional software developers from Poland, mainly from Kraków. Our mission is to achieve our customers' goals in simple, cost effective way, using modern technologies and methodologies. By working in Agile way we are reinforcing our ability to pivot early and adapt to changing requirements. We encourage following Lean principles to limit wasted effort. Learn about your customers by measuring results of A/B Tests set up to prove value of delivered features. Test-driven development helps us not only to design better software, but it also makes your application much more bugs resistant.
We are skilled in broad variety of technologies. Among many we'd like to highlight:
- Ruby -- with or without Rails,
- JavaScript -- plain or with jQuery,
- AngularJS,
- Node.js,
- SQL (PostgresSQL or MySQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB) databases,
- MicroServices with async events distribution over RabbitMQ,
- Websites for mobile devices with HTML5 and Responsive design.